Ophthalmology Research Services

About Us

The Department of Ophthalmology supports clinical research requiring ophthalmic procedures and testing for the UCLA community. While we have six clinical locations, we primarily provide ancillary services through our Stein Eye Institute and Doheny Eye Center locations.

Services Provided

  • Study specific ophthalmic exams (per protocol or for AE assessment as needed), including slitlamp examination, fundoscopy, ophthalmoscopy, etc.
  • Studies assigned to appropriate ophthalmologist (ie, Retina specialist, ophthalmic oncology, Cornea, etc) depending on protocol requirements
  • Visual acuity assessments, with/or without refraction. (Includes BCVA, LLVA, ETDRS, Color Vision etc).
  • Ocular imaging: OCT, OCTA, Fundus Imaging, Fluorescein Angiogram, Slitlamp images, Visual Field etc.

Other Information

  • To avoid delays, please ensure all study specific source documentation and descriptions of procedures are provided in the Café application. Studies are assigned to specific physicians and staff based on the expertise, equipment requirements and availability.
  • Please ensure scheduling is completed based on the uploaded LOA. The Department has over 10 divisions that may be involved with the visit.  It is important that participants are scheduled correctly to avoid delays or the need to re-schedule. Ophthalmic procedures follow specific workflows that cannot be adjusted once the participant is dilated.
  • We strongly encourage the participants be accompanied by a study coordinator.  Our staff will not be available to coordinate the visit or accompany the participants to various locations within the Institute. 
  • Studies that require ophthalmologists to be list as Co-Investigators on the 1572 or complete study-specific training will be charged the complex startup fee ($1000) vs. the simple startup fee ($500). In addition, if the study requires the source to be a study-specific document to be completed by the ophthalmologist (rather than CareConnect), this will also require the complex startup fee.

If you have questions or need additional information:  Contact: OphCRC@mednet.ucla.edu